7.16.2017 | RedBox Greenbelt 3 Makati City | #RockDineRoll
And I Miss You, Miss You 나의 운명인 사람
[Goblin [도깨비 OST Part 7] 소유 (Soyou) – I Miss You]
As a frequent guest at Redbox, I haven’t tried singing Korean songs, maybe because my friends who I usually go with, don’t really dig Korean music that much. As for me, I have a list of Korean songs that I listen to and sing along while working, driving, or just chillaxing. And now my nieces are KPop fanatics. One of them likes BTS & Twice, the other likes EXO. Maybe in a way, I was able to influence them. BUT they are more into these KPop Idol groups. Ugghh… Don’t get me started on ranting how much addicted are they. LOL 😅So there… Going back to RedBox, their Korean playlist is kinda updated according to my niece. I was just disappointed that one of the classic and famous Korean songs from the drama Stairway to Heaven (천국의 계단) (보고싶다 (I Miss You) by 김법수 (Kim Bum Soo) is NOT on the list. #huhubelles 🙄😢
Hey, RedBox, PLEASE.. you’ve got to have this song. If I remember, you only have three (3) I Miss You songs. Well at least one of the song is from another famous drama Goblin [도깨비 OST Part 7] 소유 (Soyou) – I Miss You] which is the one I sang and shared a snippet (14 seconds video) in my IG Story and now sharing it here. #sorrynotsorry (omg.. I miss Grim Reaper (Lee Dong-wook) 😍
It’s a good thing that I kinda know how to read hangul (한글) (Korean letters), else I won’t be able to sing it. Like what you see in the snippet video, lyrics are of course in hangul not romanized or romanization (the translation of sounds of a foreign language into English letters. This allows those who can’t read Korean to phonetically pronounce it).
My niece, on the other hand, was only able to sing along some parts of the songs that she memorized. LOL. This is why if you wanted to learn the Korean language, you better shy away romanization. This hampers your ability to learn. You might be able to say the words with the help of romanization BUT you would not be able to read hangul.
Thanks to my 친구s (native Korean friends – SH & DE) who patiently taught me and kept on insisting that I need to learn how to read and write 한글 (hangul). 고마워 for continuously helping me to improve. Hats off to you guys! 사랑해.
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. ‒ Nelson Mandela