🗣 SNIOP | 귀가 얇다
🇰🇷 귀가 얇다 Literally it means “ears are thin” ( To be easily influenced by other people) Easily persuaded to believe something (Gullible) 👥 S.N.I.O.P Susceptible to the Negative Influences of Other […]
🇰🇷 귀가 얇다 Literally it means “ears are thin” ( To be easily influenced by other people) Easily persuaded to believe something (Gullible) 👥 S.N.I.O.P Susceptible to the Negative Influences of Other […]
어떤 일은 말하지 않는 게 더 좋다 (Some things are better left unsaid) There are certain people that come into your life, and live a mark. I’m talking about the […]
Don’t be quick to judge. Everyone sees who you appear to be, but only a few know the real you. We only see what we choose to show. There’s so […]
진심으로 졸업을 축하해요 박사님! xo . 🎤 insert song Bravo, My Life by Kim Jong Jin. . 🎶 Bravo Bravo my life 나의 인생아 지금껏 달려온 너의 용기를 위해 Bravo […]
피글렛: 사랑은 어떻게 쓰는 거지? 푸우: 사랑은 쓰는게 아니야. 느끼는 거지. Current song feels 💕❤❣ Perhaps Love (사랑인가요) – J & HowL 언제였던걱지 기억나진 않아 자꾸 내 머리가 너로 어지접던 시작 […]