If I Have A Chance… Would You Let Me Know?
You CAN close your EYES to the things you don’t want to SEE, BUT You CAN’T close your HEART to the things you don’t want to FEEL.
You CAN close your EYES to the things you don’t want to SEE, BUT You CAN’T close your HEART to the things you don’t want to FEEL.
I want to talk to you all the time. But I also want to respect your time and space. So I patiently wait and see when you are free. I […]
같은 꿈을 꿨다 생각했는데 I thought we had the same dream 그 꿈은 비로소 꿈이 되었네 But that dream became just a dream 심장이 찢겨져 차라리 불 태워줘 My heart […]
어떤 일은 말하지 않는 게 더 좋다 (Some things are better left unsaid) There are certain people that come into your life, and live a mark. I’m talking about the […]
The pill I keep taking The nightmare I’m waking There’s nothing, no nothing, nothing but you My perfect rock bottom My beautiful trauma My love, my drug 계속 먹는 약 […]