Existential Angst

Blisters & Bruises | 물집과 타박상
I wish emotional bruises healed like physical ones. – Susane Colasanti Don’t make me happy. Please, don’t fill me up and let me think that something good can come of […]
Quoi d’autre? C’est trop relou!
There’s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface. Consuming confusing

Sings Like An Angel | Shivering Raspy Scream
Dear Chester It’s been a week when you took matters into your own hands. Still in denial of what had happened. You were so brave in giving into that voice […]

Existential Angst
Say Whut? Existential Angst is the relation to one being aware of the possibility that life lacks meaning, causing an extreme form of anxiety, and a feeling of despair or […]