Dear Stress… Let’s Break Up!!! 😏
Dear Stress, Will you please give me a break? I also need to rest. Monkey mind is having a party. Heart is pulsating to an unknown beat. Lips wants to […]
Dear Stress, Will you please give me a break? I also need to rest. Monkey mind is having a party. Heart is pulsating to an unknown beat. Lips wants to […]
All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are. It’s much easier to fake a smile […]
어떤 일은 말하지 않는 게 더 좋다 (Some things are better left unsaid) There are certain people that come into your life, and live a mark. I’m talking about the […]
The pill I keep taking The nightmare I’m waking There’s nothing, no nothing, nothing but you My perfect rock bottom My beautiful trauma My love, my drug 계속 먹는 약 […]
Before you go and open your mouth, first walk a mile in my shoes! 👠👟👞👡👢 If you’ve lived my life, walked my path, suffered my pain, battle a lifetime stigma […]